


You need a running servlet container on which you can install Axis. We suggest to use Tomcat 4.1. Install Axis on the servlet container. In most cases you just need to copy Apache Axis into the webapps directory of your servlet container. For details please look at the Axis installation instructions. Note that you need to download the Java version of Axis. After installing Axis please validate your installation. If you use the defaults you should see the Axis site under http://localhost:8080/axis/.

Furthermore you need

Deploying the plugin

Download und unpack the Make sure you have your environment variable for Tomcat set. This means your CATALINA_HOME has to point to your current Tomcat installation. The build file needs this information to copy the required files to. In the case you are using another servet container you have to modify the following line in the build file:
<property name="servlet-container" value="${env.CATALINA_HOME}"/>
You have to change the name of the environment variable you are using in the way CATALINA_HOME is used. For the case you are using JBoss you have the change the line into
<property name="servlet-container" value="${env.JBOSS_HOME}"/>
Of course you have to set your JBOSS_HOME variable properly.

Now you can use the following Ant targets:

Listing stored OWL-S files

After deploying you should be able to reach the OWL-S Plugin web interface under http://localhost:8080/axis/owls-list.jsp, assuming you used a default installation for your servlet container. Otherwise please replace the address with the one of your servlet container installation. You should see something like this

OWL-S Plugin list view


Here you can see a list of all uploaded files. To upload a new file just click the link upload:

OWL-S Plugin upload view

You can specify a file to upload and a name. Please note to give he correct name for your service which should have the prefix axis/services. Once you uploaded a OWL-S description for your web service you are able to get your OWL-S description by appending the OWL-S query string.


Your service is named PizzaDelivery/Order and reachable at http://localhost:8080/axis/services/PizzaDelivery/Order

Then you should upload your OWLS description with the name axis/services/PizzaDelivery/Order

Your OWL-S description will be available at http://localhost:8080/axis/services/PizzaDelivery/Order?owls


You can specify where the plugin may store the OWL-S descriptions. Just edit in src/
